Thursday, February 17, 2011

Teacher Natalie Munroe Blog Gets Her Suspended

Central Bucks East High School teacher Natalie Munroe believes she has done nothing wrong by writing negative comments about students and the school that she teaches in on her blog.
nroe, 30, wrote comments such as: “although academically okay your child has no other redeeming qualities,” “I hear the trash company is hiring,” and “There’s no other way to say this, I hate your kid.” Of course as a persona Munroe has the right to blog about whatever she wants, she didn’t mention the school name in her blog or any other name so she seems to just be venting out her feelings. Natalie Munroe said about her blog:
“I was writing it not about anyone specific, they were caricatures of students that I’ve had over the years…it was meant tongue and cheek for myself and my friends, it was not for mass consumption…I’m sorry that it was taken out of context but I stand by what I said.”
Of course teachers, parents and students are not happy about Munroe’s blog and currently she has been suspended with pay. What do you think about Munroe’s blog? Is it ok or should she be punished?


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