Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris Hilton Remove Her Spoiled Image

Blond socialite, Paris Hilton, promised not to talk childish again in the newest show. She will soon show who the real Paris is. ‘The World According to Paris’ is the name of the latest reality show which will soon publish the life of Paris via the channel Oxygen TV. Previously, Paris Hilton also has starred in a reality show ‘The Simple Life’ in 2003 until 2007. “When I was doing ‘The Simple Life’, I was acting with a character that I made and it lasted a long time, maybe people think that character in there is really me,” Paris said as quoted from page of Hollyscoop, Saturday, January 15 2011.

Paris life will be recorded in the show. The show ‘The World According to Paris’ is planned will be starting aired next spring. “This reality show will show something that never done before. I really let the camera to go into my real life,” she said.

Paris added that the newest reality show will be very different from the reality show that before. “When they see this new show, they will see the real me,” said the heir of one of the famous hotels.

Paris Hilton was buffeted with bad issues for the umpteenth time. This artist and socialite was rumored to have a sex tape with her ex-boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt. This news was widely heard when an online site said that Paris had another exciting video when she was dating with Reinhardt. However, this issue was directly contradicted by Reinhardt through his representatives.


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono