Friday, February 25, 2011

Charlie Sheen Goes Further Off the Deep End

He was livid when he heard that his “Two and a Half Men” gig was cancelled, and Charlie Sheen sounded loonier than ever during his latest radio rant.

The “Hot Shots” actor called in to the “Alex Jones Show” to express his opinion that he’s healed himself of any addiction/chemical dependency problem he may have once had.

Sheen started in, “News flash... I am special and I will never be one of you.” He also called 12-step programs “bootleg cults.” Charlie also asserted that he’s a healed man. “I have a disease? Bulls**t! I cured it... with my mind.”

He continued, "These turds, these losers, there’s no reason to then bring them back into the fold because I have real fame, they have nothing. They have zero. They have that night. And I will forget about them as the last image of them exits my beautiful home. And they will get out there and they will sell me and they will lose. Bring me a frickin’ challenge. It just ain’t there."


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono