Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lindsay Lohan’s Surveillance Videos May Save Her

She has been adamant that she didn’t steal a $2,500 necklace from Kamofie & Company, and now surveillance video footage may vindicate Lindsay Lohan.

The “Mean Girls” actress has said all along that the necklace was on loan from the jewelry store while the store’s owner claims she lifted it.

But the video footage shows LiLo putting on the necklace and chatting with a friend and the owner to see if it looked good on her. And it wasn’t until 45 minutes had passed that Lindsay said goodbye to the owner (while still wearing the necklace) and then casually strolled out.

With this footage, it seems likely that Lindsay will be able to back up her story that the store lent her the necklace and that she wasn’t involved in any sort of theft.


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono