Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chris Brown Talks “GMA” Explosion

He’s been trying so hard to overcome his reputation for losing his temper, so when Chris Brown threw a tantrum at “Good Morning America” earlier this week, it was a huge personal letdown.

The “No Air” singer was very apologetic during his recent interview on BET Network’s “106 & Park” program.

Chris explained, "First of all, I want to apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, or anybody who was offended or really looked, and [was] disappointed at my actions, because I'm disappointed in the way I acted." Brown says the reason for his outburst came from being questioned about his 2009 abuse of Rihanna. “I had to release the anger that I had inside of me. Yes, I got very emotional and I apologize for acting like that.”

Robin Roberts, who did the interview, expressed surprise over the whole ordeal. "I wish him the absolute best. We extended the invitation to him [to come back], and sure hope he takes us up on it because I'd sure love to have another chat with him."

She continued, "Any time we have a guest, we let them know ahead of time the subject matter and the topics. And even right before the interview I let him know. I was shocked like everyone else, because we've had a wonderful relationship. I've been to his home, he's very gracious, and we've had easy conversation."


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono