Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris Hilton’s charity event ended up with a photographer charged with disorder

Paris Hilton went with a group of friends on Thursday to the New York Times site to participate in a charity event in support of military families, but wanted to keep it from photographs made at the event was closed to the press. According to reportsby the newspaper, Karly Domb Sadof, a photographer who does a year working at the newspaper, took snapshots of the party through a window at the same Paris Hilton as he left the bus station. While the police tried to stop photographing Sadof Hilton, a crowd gathered around them and allegedly pushed a photographer officer in the face, according to statements by a police spokesman said that includes the New York newspaper. Although the photographer denied having pushed the cop and he apparently did not want medical attention, authorities Sadof accused of disorderly conduct and harassment.

Hilton, as recounted to the newspaper, came to the event with nearly two hours late, but even so, and despite protests from some attendees, received congratulations on her 30th birthday on behalf of a soldier who prepared a cake and a candle to blow on his birthday that day.

The young millionaire, which is typical for Heart pages for its scandals and already in 2007 spent 23 days behind bars for driving under the influence of substances, spoke with soldiers and their families, and be photographed with them.


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono