Monday, February 21, 2011

Lady Gaga Found The Next Justin Bieber

Maria Aragon, a 10-year-old Canadian from the city of Winnipeg, has begun to be described as the new Justin Bieber after Lady Gaga recommend to his Twitter followers one of his videos on YouTube. ”I can not stop mourn the look. This is why I make music. She is the future,” wrote Lady Gaga today his followers in reference to the video in which Aragon plays piano and sings “Born this way.” A few hours after posting the video on YouTube had been viewed by nearly 300 thousand people. When a local radio station noticed the Twitter of Lady Gaga, sent a limousine to pick Aragon outside his school and taken to a radio interview. The rapid rise to fame of Aragon was increased when the popular U.S. television presenter Ellen DeGeneres thanked Lady Gaga through a Twitter that would have revealed the existence of the child prodigy.

The Winnipeg Free Press newspaper said on its website that after the Twitter of Lady Gaga, Aragon could appear on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on American television. Justin Bieber, the Canadian teenager in a few months has become the new wave of American pop music, was also discovered after hanging up his music videos on YouTube home. The video impressed the singer Usher and offered to sponsor the limelight.


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celebrity hot news. posted by Defri Wicaksono